Naked Single



Select a cell and check how many digits are allowed in that cell. If there is only one allowed digit, you can fill the cell with that digit.

A digit is allowed in cell if there is no such digit in the same row, column and 3x3 block.

In the first example below the highlighted cell can contain only digit 3. In the second example - only digit 4.

Example 1.
Example Sudoku 1 Example Sudoku 1
Example 2.
Example Sudoku 2 Example Sudoku 2


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How Naked Single is different from Hidden Single

Hidden Single is another Sudoku solving technique.

Beginner Sudoku players often confuse Hidden and Naked Singles. Remember:

  • Hidden Single is when there is only one possible cell in a row, column or block, where the digit can be placed.
  • Naked Single is when there is only one allowed digit in a cell.

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See also